New Kids On The Block
Shortly after resigning from my position in youth ministry at Sunshine, one of my former students popped up on my Facebook newsfeed. Usually, I am unfazed by some of the craziness I see as I have made it a personal policy to allow my young friends to live and grow spiritually at their own designated pace. This time was different. Their post struck a chord with me, and I found myself questioning all of my previous youth work.
“God, I know a lot of people don’t get to see the fruit of their ministry but I’m asking you to just give me a glimpse to know I didn’t waste my time. Can I just see one or two of my former students on fire for you? I don’t need to see perfection, they don’t even have to be doing ministry, just something to show me it all mattered.”
A couple of years later, I returned to Sunshine as a worker, and I found a few former students serving in our elementary programs. A few months later, they were leading them! Not only were they leading elementary, but more students joined them and began taking over other departments of our youth programming. My former students became my peers in ministry work, which has honestly been one of the highlights of my career.
What struck me most about my conversation with Australia, Jeremiah, and Mariah is their acknowledgment of the tribe God used to shape their lives. It’s an excellent reminder for all our journeys. Not one of us will see true mental or spiritual maturity apart from the team of folks who are dedicated to our success. My co-worker’s growth was not a work of my own accord but a move of God’s Spirit through various individuals. The end product may not be lifelong ministry professionals, but it is present members of a new tribe for more youth. I am thankful that they answered the call and my prayers.
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2 NIV
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